Scriptwriting Services

Training videos. TV commercials. Radio spots. Speeches. What do they have in common, aside from being good ways to improve your business? They’re all scriptwriting services. Each type of script has a format specific to its medium, and you need a scriptwriter who understands those formats and how details like lines spacing and font size help gauge how many minutes a script will run. You also need a scriptwriter who’s able to capture and convey your unique voice.

As a scriptwriter, I can write your TV and radio spots, training videos—even speeches. In addition to scriptwriting, I offer other scriptwriters thorough coverage critiques with actionable notes and feedback, and evaluate submissions for playwriting festivals.

Freelance Scriptwriting Services

Today’s digital media environment has created a demand for scriptwriting services that goes well beyond traditional advertising and training videos. Consumers are inundated with video content every day, so it’s vital that yours stands out—for the right reasons. Not only do you need a scriptwriter who understands your goals for each script, you need a scriptwriter who can capture the attitude and voice you want to project. That’s where I come in.

  • TV Commercials
  • Radio Spots
  • Promotional Videos
  • Training Video Scripts
  • Explainer Video Scripts
  • Speechwriting
  • Creative Scriptwriting

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Past Scripts & Screenplays

Scriptwriting is nothing new to me, which is why providing clients with scriptwriting services is a natural extension of my writing business. Despite writing all week for work, I often spend my free time working on scripts for fun. Here are just a couple examples.

Short Plays

For a scriptwriter, short plays can be challenging and rewarding to write. Good short plays deliver a big impact in a few minutes, and the best ones convey a deeper message than audiences might expect. I recently had a virtual table read of two new plays through The Dramatists’ Guild’s End of Play, and have had several 10-minute plays read at theaters across the country, including:

Scripts on music stands lined up on a stage.
Copies of my first short play, “The Grove,” awaiting actors. Rockford New Play Festival, August 2015.

The Biker and the Big Yarn

A biker walks into a yarn shop. Comedy. Three characters. Run time: about 10 minutes.

  • 13th Annual 10-Minute Play Festival Readings, Durango Arts Center, Durango, Colorado, read June 16, 2023.
  • Stage It! 10-Minute Play Festival, Center for Performing Arts, Bonita Springs, Florida, semi-finalist, May 2023.

Near Mint

Two fashion dolls discuss their futures, fears, and the risks and rewards of autonomy. Comedy. Four characters. Run time: about 10 minutes.

  • Staged Reading Series, Center for Performing Arts, Bonita Springs, Florida, read January 13, 2023.
  • Rockford New Play Festival, The West Side Show Room, Rockford, Illinois, read August, 2018 (a video of the event can be seen on the theater’s Facebook page). 

Audio Scripts

Be it comedy or drama, audio plays—and radio ads—use sound cues to draw listeners in. When writing an audio script, my challenge is finding new ways to depict action and incorporate imagery via words or sounds while telling an engaging story. Because these two audio scripts were set in very different worlds, they required their own distinct sounds.


After last call on a stormy night, strange things start happening at a below-grade former speakeasy. Paranormal radio drama. Three characters. Run time: About 12 minutes.

Nice and Naughty

Manning Santa’s Naughty or Nice Helpline on Christmas Eve isn’t all fun and candy canes as Elf Evie helps a distraught family—and Santa—redefine the concepts of naughty and nice. Comedy. Three characters (two adults, one child). Run time: about 10 minutes. Also adapted for a webcam and traditional stage productions.


Being alone on stage, actors have no one to react to. That means monologues need to be riveting, well-paced, and reveal something about the speaker or their situation. The techniques used in writing monologues are similar to those used in speechwriting. One monologue, adapted from a pilot script loosely based on a beloved ancestor, has already garnered some attention.

The Dance: A Monologue

Based on real events, a young woman in 1916 relates how her past and present led her to hold three very different and unusual jobs at the same time. Dramatic monologue. Run time: about 7 minutes. Also available as a 2-minute audition version.

  • Venus Theatre’s Frozen Women/Flowing Thoughts Anthology, Venus Theatre, Laurel, Maryland. Forthcoming late 2024 or early 2025 (Palmetto Press).
  • Rockford New Words “Words on Women” Festival, The West Side Show Room, Rockford, Illinois, read February 2022.

Screenplays & Teleplays

It seems everyone has an idea for a movie or TV show, and I’m no exception. While scriptwriting software makes formatting scripts easier, good scripts require more than correct formatting.  Story structure, character arcs, and world building are vital components to every good screenplay, just as they are to stage plays, monologues, and audio scripts.

Christmas Stockinette

Love happens one stitch at a time when an overwhelmed creative director returns to her family’s alpaca farm for the holidays. (TV movie, 94 pages).

The Dance

Loosely based on true events: An unsuspecting young farm girl working as a government clerk has her life upended when she’s recruited as a WW1-era spy. (Pilot, in progress).


Need a Scriptwriter?

Whether you need to hire a scriptwriter for you radio spot, TV commercial, or corporate video, or are interested in producing one of my scripts, I’d love to hear from you.

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